Well, I have been appalling at keeping this no matter what. Oh well, here’s another story which I remembered, which is basically what I was planning on using this for.
I was travelling through Zurich airport on my way from (I seem to recall) Prague. The airport itself is absolutely fantastic and super modern and chic – though I was particularly irritated by the fact that they had lots of very trendy looking computahs all over the shop, but that you had to pay an astronomical amount to use. I also recall getting into quite the tiff with the bitch running the Swissair lounge, we tried to fight our way in (justifiably I might add, the plane was late so we missed a connection and were stuck there for a while. Bastards were completely useless and Teutonic about the whole thing).
Anyhoo – so we were stuck waiting and ended up grabbing seats near some escalators. After being there for about half an hour, a massive crowd of Chinese tourists appeared pushing trolleys (these days you will find them absolutely everywhere. I mean this in a good way, of course. The most intriguing thing is that you only really find Japanese tourists when you go through Paris, but everywhere else they are Chinese). They got to the escalators that were clearly marked with signs to not take trolleys down them, and the first one went straight down trolley first.
It was quite the hilarious site to watch (her as I recall) battle to keep the thing from completely spilling or from completely losing control. The others all stood by watching. She got safely to the bottom. Without a second’s hesitation the others set off in pursuit. I couldn’t stop laughing.
I was travelling through Zurich airport on my way from (I seem to recall) Prague. The airport itself is absolutely fantastic and super modern and chic – though I was particularly irritated by the fact that they had lots of very trendy looking computahs all over the shop, but that you had to pay an astronomical amount to use. I also recall getting into quite the tiff with the bitch running the Swissair lounge, we tried to fight our way in (justifiably I might add, the plane was late so we missed a connection and were stuck there for a while. Bastards were completely useless and Teutonic about the whole thing).
Anyhoo – so we were stuck waiting and ended up grabbing seats near some escalators. After being there for about half an hour, a massive crowd of Chinese tourists appeared pushing trolleys (these days you will find them absolutely everywhere. I mean this in a good way, of course. The most intriguing thing is that you only really find Japanese tourists when you go through Paris, but everywhere else they are Chinese). They got to the escalators that were clearly marked with signs to not take trolleys down them, and the first one went straight down trolley first.
It was quite the hilarious site to watch (her as I recall) battle to keep the thing from completely spilling or from completely losing control. The others all stood by watching. She got safely to the bottom. Without a second’s hesitation the others set off in pursuit. I couldn’t stop laughing.